As a whole in this society the schema is already on set. What belong to you define your being as a human. A color or material is raising concern about one and only one goal. the cleavage of this sphere allow such bending.
What will happen if one is strip from all of his belonging ?
What will he achieve ?
Will he be able to cast away all his belonging… or will he be enchained by his value of money and will remain a slave at the will of his own demise.
One ball, One eye, One goal, One wrong move, One complication, One stronghold, one demise…
The dark matter allows such creation, where one single object of creation can transcend the matters, and ideas, and as such this symbol remains as a whole embodiment. Over centuries and centuries, mankind was the slave of their labor. They must pursue the work of a higher being… but God has another planning schema: The creation, a mystery of itself allow such perception.. When a star dies, the inside matter collapses on its own.. Then everything starts.
What will remain for century and centuries is the pure light it’s emitting. This emanation is what will remain threw time and space for mankind to see… as such if light is the grace that remain of any symbols. The main object of such idea as been the Sun.
But Quetzalcóatl is the true embodiment of such idea.
Bernardino de Sahagún has comprehended the true value and virtue of religion. The conquistador has gotten into a big toll in front of the Aztec culture. Then as a whole, the true value of such creation of mankind is comprehension.
Not the comprehension that is ill-mannered in a fashion that subdues everyone’s will… But the only comprehension of endorsing value way beyond any mankind.
When such creation is obtained a true pilar is built. The pillar that raised the long-lasting nation that pursue decades. It’s also mesmerized his community but also the outside nation’s community. As far as we can see, such nations existed as the Greek, the Egyptian, and the lost civilization of Sumer. But they all collapsed by the greed of mankind.
As such one should remain silent when such belief and understanding is at bay. Mankind is and will always be the animal they were from the start. This mammal got the power of creation and ALSO the power of destruction.
As such core VALUE that is placed way above any means, one that will forever be set not in stone but as goal everyone should achieve.
such value will never and should never be possible… But what’s more powerful than a DREAM ?
Dream, Conceptualize, Create, Touch, Destruct, Repeat…